Technical Glossary
Weekly meeting of all Group Leaders in the Beams Department, the Department Head, the HR Representant for BE, the Staff Association Responsible for BE and the BE Head Office.
Focus on discussion about news from the ATSMB (Accelerator & Technology Sector Management Board), the Director General, the ED (Enlarged Directorate) and important points from the Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) and Group Leaders as well as Departmental Planning Officer (DPO).
A general term to identify a software layer, and it's components, which is above "hardware services" and below "client software". Therefore CMW is in-between. Usually this software comes as servers.
UNICOS-CPC is a package from UNICOS to engineer industrial PLC based process control systems.
The goal of UNICOS is to standardize the development of control applications at CERN by:
- Emphasize good practices for both, design and operation, of the continuous process control applications
- Reduce the cost of automating continuous processes (e.g. cooling, HVAC...)
- Optimize life-cycle engineering efforts (e.g. using automatic code generation tools)
Part of the UNICOS Framework
ATS Common Hardware & Software Technologies Technical Board (CTTB)
Analyses common hardware & software activities to avoid duplication of work or services
Proposes forthcoming common hardware & software technology activities with input from the community forums
Stimulates a common approach & strengthens standardisation effort of hardware & software solutions
Identifies activities and projects which incur significant hardware or software effort and/or impact
Collects & studies proposals for control infrastructure upgrades/consolidation/end-of-support
Receives regular updates & evaluates impact on medium- and long-term control infrastructure activities
Reports on ongoing activities to CTSB
As one of the three Controls groups in the department ICS is a key player in the CTTB.
This document is required to announce to Finance that you want to place an order with a company. This document serves as a basis to "block" the amount to be spent on the budget code. The DAI is a form that can be found in EDH: A quote must be attached always to the DAI.
Once the supplier receives the DAI, they will process with the order/shippping of the goods. The final invoice shall be sent by the supplier to by email.
The DAO works at the BE Central Secretariat and oversees information linked to arrivals and departures in the department, organizes the BE onboarding events, deals with contract formalities (extensions, terminations), and provides to the GAOs advice and guidance on the application of procedures.